What Is Your Business Brand ?

Business Brand - Keep Up Your Appearance Logo

Your business brand isn’t just about a nice logo and pretty colours.


A brand is about creating a personality for your business.



Your brand should become part of the DNA of your business. It should be present in everything you do; from your brand identity to the way you answer the phone, from the stories you tell on your website and social media and on your own Facebook profile.


Does Your Business Brand Have A Personality ?


Creating a successful brand is about creating an emotional connection with your customer.

It is about making the customer feel something so strongly that they have no choice but to buy in to your company and what it does.

This is done by defining what your brand is; the values, personality and stories the brand stands for.


But your brand is more than what you think and say …

Your brand is also what others think and say about you (customer reviews).


It is only once your business has a personality that customers will decide whether or not they like it.


If your business brand can portray a personality that complements theirs, they may then start interacting with you.


Scientists back this theory up: the latest catchphrase in the pursuit of getting ‘buy in’ from your target audience is ‘neuromarketing’. Over the last decade or so, neuroscience research has shown that emotions play a much more important role in decision making than most people have thought.

Our brains process much of their sensory input subconsciously, generating affection toward or against objects. Signals that don’t generate positive or negative emotions are filtered out (seen as unimportant) and never reach our conscious mind.


What Does Your Business Brand Say About You ?

So, for your business brand to get attention, it has to trigger an emotion.

Business Brand - Keep Up Your Appearance Logo


I believe we all want to look good and care about what others think about us.  How we look helps make us feel good about ourselves and therefore knowing what we can do to improve this will help grow our confidence and exude our true personalities.

My brand, Keep Up Your Appearance, is about providing information and products to help you achieve a confident appearance to reflect your own true personality. It’s about style, it’s about colour, it’s about knowing what will help enhance your skin tone and facial features and so much more.


For more information please join me on Facebook

Shop with me online at shopwithlesley.co.uk